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How to monetise your social media following

How to monetise your social media following

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This Jamescademy E-Book will provide you with a 12-step process that can help you create meaningful relationships that lead to Paid Partnerships and Brand Endorsements with companies and brands that align with your passions and interests.

This E-Book was created to provide practical solutions for content creators wanting to earn a passive income through their social media following by offering a simple sales structure and methodology, enabling people to monetize their social media presence.

This is a proven method that has helped supplement our income @James_and_Dawn for the past three years and one that has successfully worked for other content creators;

“We joined Jamescademy because we were complete beginners with monetising our social media. We saw other people working alongside brands & didn't have a clue on how to reach out to companies, what to charge or where to start. James was absolutely amazing, after our first call we were blown away with the tools & strategies he gave us to help find the right people to speak to & how to present ourselves to a brand. Within a few weeks of working with James we were working with our favourite brands & landed our first paid partnership. We couldn't recommend this course enough”

If you would like to learn more about the Jamescademy course, please email me at for further information.



E-Book Length : 33 Pages

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